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I Tested 6 AI Detectors. Here’s My Review About What’s The Best Tool for 2025.

Anangsha Alammyan
Freelancer’s Hub
Published in
21 min readFeb 19, 2025

AI detector tools for 2025 — best tools reviewed and ranked
Image created by the author using ChatGPT.

My top 5 picks for the best AI detectors in 2025–

👉AI Detector

👉Winston AI

👉Undetectable AI



AI is everywhere.

It’s changing the way we work, create, and interact online. Almost every post we see today has a high chance of being AI-generated.

The global AI market is projected to surpass $826 billion by 2030. AI-powered writing tools are growing at a 25% CAGR, and AI image generators are expanding at 17.5% CAGR through 2032.

Yes, AI makes life easier. It saves us time, money, and effort.

But are we all becoming increasingly dependent on AI?

Think about it.

  • Need gift ideas? Ask AI.
  • Don’t know the meaning of a word? Ask AI.
  • Don’t have the right opening sentence? Ask AI.

I’m sure everyone, from educators to policymakers, is guilty of this.

But they’re also turning to AI detection tools to protect against fraud.

In this article, I’ll break down 6 AI detection tools I’ve tested, along with why you should start using them in your daily routine.

Affiliate Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase through them, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products I trust or use myself. Your support keeps my content journey going — thank you!

Best AI Detectors to Identify AI-Generated Content in 2025 (Reviewed & Ranked)

Let’s look at some AI detector tools you might want to consider.

1. AI Detector

AI Detector is the most accurate AI content detector for academic and professional use. Personally, I found it to be the easiest-to-use tool on this list, and the accuracy is astounding.

To test it out, I asked ChatGPT to generate a story about a girl who found friendship in unexpected places. Then, I pasted the story on AI Detector. Here are the results —

AI detection results by AI Detector.
Screenshot by the author of the AI detection results by AI Detector.

AI Detector was able to correctly identify this text is 100% generated by AI.

Naturally, I tried to outsmart this AI tool.

I gave a new prompt to ChatGPT — to humanize this text.

The output ChatGPT gave was pretty good! At first glance, I might not be able to tell it was written by AI. But let’s check what AI Detector has to say about this.

AI detection results by AI Detector.
Screenshot by the author of the AI detection results by AI Detector.

Wow! AI Detector was accurately able to identify that the text was 98% AI-generated. Pretty impressive.

AI Detector also has a Humanizer. This means you can use this tool to convert AI-generated text to something that closely resembles human writing.

Let’s try that out next. I took the same text ChatGPT generated the first time, and asked AI Detector to humanize it for me. After about the 60 seconds, the output was ready

It looked quite good, and better than ChatGPT’s humanized text. I wonder if AI Detector will be able to detect AI in the text it humanized. So, I selected “New detection,” and pasted the humanized text. Here are the results —

AI detection results by AI Detector.
Screenshot by the author of the AI detection results by AI Detector.

Again, 100% generated by AI.

AI humanizers might be able to fool me, but they surely won’t be able to fool AI Detector.

AI Detector has a sentence-by-sentence analysis option. This can be a useful tool for teachers or universities struggling with AI-generated paper submissions by students.

AI Detector also has a tool to detect AI images. I recently used PortraitPal to generated some AI headshots for my social media. I felt the results were stunning, and easily usable for social posts.

But let’s see what AI Detector has to say about it.

AI image detection results by AI Detector.
Screenshot by the author of the AI Image detection results of AI Detector.

Honestly, I’m impressed. AI Detector said there’s a 99% chance this image was AI-generated. This is so accurate!

If you’re looking for a 3-in-1 tool for AI detection in texts and images, along with a AI text humanizer, then AI Detector can be your best pick.


There are 2 pricing models for AI Detector

  1. The “Pay as you go” model that gives you 400 credits for a one-time payment of $40. You get 400 credits, which lets you detect AI in 400,000 words. This is the best option for individuals looking for the best AI detector.
  2. The “Pro” model where you also get 400 credits, but on a monthly basis. If you’re looking to use an AI detector tool on a long-term basis, this option gives you all the cool features of AI Detector at 50% of the “Pay as you go” model, at just $20 per month.
Payment plans of AI Detector
Screenshot by the author of the payment plans of AI Detector.

2. Winston AI

Winston AI is the only AI detector with a 99.98% accuracy rate. This tool can be used by educational institutions, for SEO, and to improve your content’s authenticity.

  • Go to Winston AI.
  • The homepage will display the AI detector.
  • Simply copy-paste your text and click on “Check AI score”.
  • You’ll need to sign up to view your score.

When you first enter the website, this is what it looks like:

Screenshot of Winston AI’s homepage. Did you notice the pre-filled text in the detector? That’s where this tool gets its name from

Let’s use a sample text from Gemini this time. What I liked is that you can get a 14-day, 2,000-word scan trial for free, and you don’t need a credit card to sign up. This tool gives you a chance to test out the features for a decent amount of time before deciding whether to purchase it.

Well, the tool works pretty well for a passage generated by Gemini.

Screenshots of the AI detector tool of Winston AI

You need to upgrade in order to use the Plagiarism detector tool or get writing feedback.

Let’s test this tool on one of my articles.

Screenshots of the AI detector tool of Winston AI (checking the author’s article)

95% is a pretty good score when it comes to AI detectors.

Winston AI also has an “Image Scan” tool. Each scan costs 300 credits. I’m going to put this tool to the test using an image where one side contains a real selfie of mine, while the other has an AI-generated headshot. Let’s see if Winston AI can provide the right analysis.

Screenshot of the Image Scan tool of Winston AI

Well, this is pretty interesting. I did edit the picture myself, so I guess Winston AI is correct in identifying the origin as human. Or perhaps the AI-generated headshot is so accurate that it’s evading detection by AI tools?

Winston AI also provides a certification — HUMN1 — to prove that the content on your blog is human-generated. You can integrate this with a WordPress plugin or use an XML sitemap.

Screenshot of the HUMN1 certification for your website

Next, I’m testing out the “Text Compare” tool. Each comparison costs ¼ credits per word. On the left side, I’ve added a passage from my own article, and on the right, I’ve added the AI-generated version of the same passage.

Screenshot of the Text Compare tool of Winston AI before comparison

Here’s what I got.

Screenshot of the Text Compare tool of Winston AI after comparison

Only 5% similarity with the AI-generated version. That’s good news, right? This tool can help you analyze different writing styles, choose the best version, or even help you identify repeated sentences and words.

Screenshot of extensions of Winston AI

Winston AI can be easily integrated with Google Chrome, Zapier, Google Classroom, Microsoft Edge, and many others to make your work life much easier.


You can start with the Essential plan for $12 per month which lets you scan upto 80k words, image detection, writing feedback, and generate PDF reports.

Screenshot of pricing plans of Winston AI

So far, I’d say Winston AI is the easiest AI detector to use. You don’t need a credit card to sign up unless you’re planning to purchase one of their plans. It’s quick, hassle-free, and provides excellent results. I also loved the image scanning tool — it definitely works!

3. Undetectable AI

Undetectable AI has been ranked as the best AI detector by Forbes.

This tool also offers:

  • AI Humanzier
  • AI Job Application Bot
  • AI Essay Writer
  • AI SEO Writer
  • AI Translator
  • AI Chatbot
  • Human Typer
  • Word Counter

That’s quite a lot of features. Let’s test these tools out, one by one.

  • Go to Undetectable AI.
  • The homepage will show you the AI Detector tool.
  • Copy-paste your text and click on “Check for AI” or “Humanize” based on your needs.

I’m reusing the article from ChatGPT here and running a basic scan (which is free for up to 30,000 characters).

Here’s what I got:

Screenshot of the Undetectable AI homepage

100% human? Well, this isn’t what I expected!

I used the same article as before, and it’s showing “0% AI.”

Let me purchase one of their packages to test out the advanced scan. Once you click on “Undetectable” right next to “Basic” on the screen (just above “CHECK FOR AI” and “HUMANIZE”), you’ll be prompted to sign up and select a plan.

You can use the advanced scan for free once you sign up.

Screenshot of the Advanced Scan tool of Undetectable AI

I got the same results again.

What if I use one of my articles?

Screenshot of the Advanced Scan tool of Undetectable AI (using the author’s article this time)

Same results again.

Next, I tried the AI Essay Writer. You can choose the length of your essay (short, medium, or long), select the academic level (high school, university, or doctorate), pick your language (there are 16 options), and choose your essay type (descriptive, narrative, expository, etc.). They also give you the option to make the essay sound humanized or simply AI-like.

I chose these options:

  • Length: Short
  • Academic Level: University
  • Language: English
  • Essay Type: Narrative
  • Humanize

After typing in my topic, I clicked on “Write My Essay.” For the free plan, you get 250 credits = 250 words.

Screenshot of the AI Essay Writer tool of Undetectable AI

What I noticed is that the AI Humanizer tool takes a lot of time to work on the free plan. To get quicker results, you’ll need to upgrade to one of their plans.

The AI Job Application Bot creates your resume and cover letters using AI, personalizes your job search, and auto-applies to jobs. It is easily integrable with LinkedIn. Pretty cool, right?

I tested the AI SEO Writer tool of Undetectable AI. You’re asked to fill in some basic information before the article is generated, such as your company website, product, target demographic, etc.

Then you’ll be prompted to choose from a list of SEO keywords and a title related to the theme of your article. You can also choose to add an AI-generated image and select its style.

  • For 1,000+ words, you need 6,000 credits.
  • For 2,000+ words, you need 9,000 credits.
  • For 4,000+ words, you need 12,000 credits.

You can pick an outline, add external links, and also choose your writing style.

Screenshot of the Undetectable AI SEO Writer page

Click on “Generate Article,” and you’ll get a nice, SEO-friendly article without having to do much.

The AI Translator tool is pretty cool too. All you have to do is copy-paste the text, select the language, and that’s it! You get your translated text.

You can check for AI and humanize your text while translating. You can also choose the tone of the translated text — Relaxed, Funny, etc.

I used a paragraph from the previously used ChatGPT article, and it shows 100% AI. Well, it worked this time. So, that means their “AI Detector” tool does work. It just doesn’t work on the “AI Detector and Humanizer” page.

Screenshot of Undetectable AI’s Translator Page

Now, it’s time to try the AI chatbot.

Screenshot of the AI Chatbot of Undetectable AI

I used an existing prompt, and it gave pretty good information regarding Greek mythology. You can also humanize the answer if you want. That’s cool.

Undetectable AI has a “Human Typer” tool. To use this, you need to install the Chrome extension. Once installed, you can directly integrate the tool with Google Docs. What this tool does is simulate human-like typing, automatically typing out your pre-written content.

Screenshot of Human Auto Typer tool of Undetectable AI

Next, I tested out the word counting tool. The results were pretty accurate:

Screenshot of the Word Counter tool of Undetectable AI

What I liked best about this is how it automatically gives me a report on whether or not the text is AI-generated.


Here are the pricing plans for Undetectable AI’s AI Detector and Humanizer tool: They have a 50% off offer running on the yearly plan, which will let you purchase all features of this tool for just $5 per month.

Screenshot of the pricing plans of Undetectable AI

I’d say the free plan of Undetectable AI might not be worth exploring. First, the AI detector doesn’t work properly. Second, it takes a lot of time to generate a humanized essay. The paid version, however, provides a lot of extra features that make this tool pretty useful.

The plethora of other tools in Undetectable AI is awesome. You can apply to jobs, write essays as per your needs, and generate SEO-friendly articles — without spending hours on them.

4. GPTZero

GPTZero claims to incorporate the latest research in detecting all types of AI LLMs.

This tool doesn’t just stop at AI detection. It can carry out an advanced AI scan, identify the most commonly used AI words, offer a plagiarism checker, authorship verification, and even a source finder.

Here’s how to use this tool:

  • Go to GPTZero.
  • You’ll find the AI detector tool right on their homepage.

Well, let’s put this tool to the test, shall we?

I asked ChatGPT to write a nice, human-like passage for me:

Screenshot from ChatGPT.

Let’s see whether GPTZero can detect if this text is AI-generated or not.

GPTZero also allows you to upload files — PDF, .doc, .docx, .txt, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .webp — which is pretty cool. I copied and pasted this text into the AI detection tool space.

Screenshot of the GPTZero AI Detector

Now click on “Scan for AI”.

Here are the results:

Screenshot of the GPTZero AI Detector

The basic scan worked pretty well. This tool also supports French and Spanish.

On the extreme right side panel, you can see that GPTZero has other options too. Let’s test them out one by one.

To access the “advanced scan” option, you need to create an account. All you have to do is:

  • Select your role (student, educator, writer, or reviewer).
  • Sign up using Google or email.

(This tool shows you some cool quotes on the screen while you wait.)

After signing up, I see that I have 10,000 credits in my account. 10,000 credits = 10,000 words.

Now, let me just copy-paste the passage again to do an advanced scan.

Here are the results:

Screenshot of GPTZero’s Advanced Scan AI Detection tool

This tool has marked the sentences that are highly probable to be generated by AI in yellow. Sentences that might have a human probability are marked in green. Well, there’s nothing human about this passage, but we can give the tool the benefit of the doubt.

Let’s test the AI Vocabulary tool:

Screenshot of GPTZero’s AI Vocabulary tool

The AI Vocabulary tool shows the most frequently used words by AI. They’ve also added a disclaimer:

“These words are often used by AI, but texts with these words are not necessarily AI-generated.”

Fair enough, I guess.

Now, let’s look at one of my articles. That’ll truly show if this tool works or not — since I don’t use AI at all.

I ran an advanced scan. This is what I got.

Screenshot of the GPTZero workspace; the green-highlighted parts show human-written content

55% AI-generated?!

Well, they do claim to be “uncertain” about this document. I never use AI to write my articles.

Now, let’s check out the “Search Sources” tool.

Screenshot of the GPTZero workspace while using the “Search Sources” tool

This tool verifies the sources and provides links to the claims made in the document. This is pretty interesting as it helps you double-check your facts.

To use the plagiarism scanner, you’ll need to upgrade to one of their plans. You can use their 14-day free trial to see if it suits your interests.

I also tried uploading a PDF to see how well this tool works with different file formats. Once you’re done uploading the PDF, the contents are displayed on the screen.

Here are the results:

Screenshot of the GPTZero workspace after uploading a PDF file and running a basic scan

Works pretty well!

I almost forgot to test out the GIF. I downloaded one from the internet. Let’s see how well this tool works with GIFs.

You need at least 250 characters in your GIF for this to work. Even though my GIF probably has 250 characters, this tool was unable to detect the text.

GIF downloaded from the internet

GPTZero allows you to detect up to 5,000 characters and provides only 5 advanced scans for free. After that, you’ll need to upgrade to one of GPTZero’s pricing plans.


The essential plan starts at $8.33 per month and offers all the features. The Premium plan starts at $12.99 per month, and offers additional features like writing feedback and plagiarism check. The professional plan is priced at $24.99 per month and offers upto 10 million words coverage.

SS of GPTZero’s pricing plans

GPTZero also has a “Scanning Analytics” page that shows your usage statistics. You can view your monthly or even 90-day data using this feature.

Screenshot of the “Scanning Analytics” page of GPTZero

I’d say GPTZero is effective when it comes to detecting AI content, doing a quick plagiarism check, and verifying sources. Yes, it didn’t work with GIFs as expected, but maybe it will work with a different GIF.

5. claims to be one of the most accurate AI detectors.

  • Go to
  • You can find the AI detector on the homepage.
  • Copy-paste your text or upload a file.

To upload a file or use a URL, you’ll need to purchase one of their plans. You can use the AI Detector tool for free, but only for up to 300 words.

I re-used the same ChatGPT article (up to 300 words only). Here are the results:

Screenshot of Originality. ai’s AI Detector

Yes, the text is fully-generated by AI, so it’s up to our expectations. Next, let’s try a humanized article this time.

Screenshot of Originality. ai’s AI Detector (using humanized text)

Even though I used a humanizer this time, the tool could detect it pretty easily. You can choose from three options:

  • Lite (Best for students & teachers — free up to 300 words).
  • Multi-language (paid).
  • Turbo (paid).

Next, I tried the “Readability Checker” tool. You can either copy-paste your text, upload a file, or provide a link. Once done, click on “Analyze.”

This tool shows you four ways to analyze your text:

  • Text issues: Average syllables per word, average sentences per paragraph, etc.
  • Text stats: Letter count, word count, total syllables, etc.
  • Text scores: Provides scores based on different parameters.
  • KW density: Displays the keywords used.
Screenshots of the Readability Checker tool of’s “Grammar Checker” fixes your grammatical errors for you (free for up to 2,000 words).

I used a passage with intentional grammatical errors. Here are the results.

Screenshot of the Grammar Checker of before fixing errors

It surely works. It has underlined all the words with incorrect spelling or grammatical errors. Let’s click on “Fix Issues” and see what happens.

Screenshot of the Grammar Checker of after fixing errors


You can sign up to access more tools, like the website scanner to detect AI-generated content. You’ll need a credit card while signing up, so make sure you have one nearby. also has a chrome extension that you can install to integrate the tool with your day-to-day work. You can access the extension directly in Google Docs as well and also download a PDF scan of your report or get a shareable link. The extension has been updated and here’s a detailed blog post on it. If you need help installing it, you can also check out this YouTube tutorial here.


The Pro plan of starts at $12.95 per month. You can also opt for a “Pay as you go” model where you select which tools are the most relevant for you, and pay for a custom package designed specially for you.

Screenshot of pricing plans of is fantastic when it comes to detecting AI-generated content. This tool offers multiple other features, such as the fact checker, grammar checker, readability checker, and website scanner. The Chrome extension is a game-changer as it can make your job much simpler.

6. Phrasly.AI

Phrasly.AI can convert 100% AI-generated text into human-like text that can even bypass GPTZero. Let’s put this to the test, shall we?

  • Go to Phrasly.AI.
  • Select your text and paste it into the text box.
  • Click on “Check for AI” to detect the percentage of AI in your content.
  • Click on “Humanize” to make your AI-generated content more human-like.

I’m using a passage generated by Gemini as an example.

Screenshot of the AI Detector tool of Phrasly.AI

Yes, the AI detector tool definitely works. This text is purely AI-generated.

Next, let’s try the “Content Generator” tool. I need to enter a brief outline of my expectations for Phrasly.AI, mention the writing purpose (story, article, etc.), the language, and the word count (minimum 350 words, maximum 500 words).

After entering this information, I click on “Generate Outline.” The tool then provides me with a list of topics to choose from (I can select only two). Once I’ve shortlisted two, I click on “Confirm Topics.” You can also add your own custom topic.

Screenshot of the Content Generator tool of Phrasly.AI

Well, the generated article is fully AI-generated, and Phrasly.AI admits it. See the lines highlighted in red? That means those lines are AI-generated.

Screenshot of the Content Generator tool of Phrasly.AI

Let’s try and humanize it.

Screenshot of the Content Generator tool of Phrasly.AI after humanizing the text

Well, that looks pretty clean. I know what to do next. Let’s test it out on GPTZero to see if it can actually bypass AI detectors.

Screenshot of the humanized text from Phrasly.AI when tested by GPTZero

It works! That’s amazing. The passage humanized by Phrasly.AI did bypass GPTZero’s AI detector. This is pretty cool, isn’t it?


The “Free” plan has a ton of options to choose from. If you’d like to try out their other tools like AI writer and AI humanizer, the “Unlimited” plan is pretty affordable, at just $12.99 per month.

Screenshot of the pricing of Phrasly.AI

I’d say the AI detector, content generator, and humanizer work perfectly well. I’m pretty impressed, actually. For the level of accuracy this tool provides, I think the pricing is quite reasonable. Definitely Phrasly.AI is one of the best humanizers I’ve used so far.

What Are AI Detectors and Why Do You Need Them?

AI detectors are tools that help differentiate human-written content from AI-generated content. At first, I wasn’t sure how important AI detectors were.

After all, if AI can create content, surely it could create tools to spot it, too, right? So, what’s the big deal?

But after trying these detectors myself, I realized just how much of a game-changer they are.

With the way AI technology is advancing, it’s becoming harder to tell what’s human and what’s AI-generated.

On top of that, we can’t forget about deepfake scams, misinformation, and intellectual property violations.

That’s exactly where AI detectors come in.

AI detectors ensure that content creators get the credit they deserve, protect brand integrity, and also make sure academic authenticity is preserved.

How I Tested and Ranked the Best AI Detectors

I focused on a bunch of criteria to make sure my assessment was as nearly perfect as possible.


  • How accurately can the tool differentiate between human and AI-generated content?
  • Can the tool identify subtle patterns that distinguish human from AI?


  • How quickly can the tool analyze content?
  • Is the tool responsive even with larger files or more complex data?


  • How user-friendly is the interface?
  • Are there helpful features like tutorials or support?

Supported Formats (text, image, video)

  • Does the tool support multiple types of content?
  • How well does the tool handle each format?

Pricing & Value for Money

  • How affordable is the tool for the value it offers?
  • Is there flexibility in pricing plans?

Tips for Choosing the Right AI Detectors

  1. Accuracy: Pick a tool that gets it right most of the time.
  2. Clear Explanations: A good detector won’t just say “AI-generated”. It’ll tell you why it thinks so.
  3. Up-to-Date: AI writing tools are getting better fast, so make sure you use the latest tool.
  4. Choose One That Fits: Pick a tool based on your needs — bulk scans, browser extensions, API access, etc.

I Tested 5 Tools, and Here are the Best AI Detectors of 2025 (Ranked and Reviewed): Final words

The good news? AI is here to stay for the long run.

The bad news? AI is here to stay for the long run.

So, instead of rejecting it altogether, it’s important you make the best use of it. AI won’t replace you. It’ll replace those who don’t know how to deploy it in their daily lives.

But it’s also important to preserve human creativity, and that’s why there’s a growing demand for AI detectors across industries.

So, which tool is the best? It depends on your needs.

  1. If you’re looking to accurately detect AI in text and images, go for AI Detector. You also get a AI humanizer tool.
  2. If you want an AI detector designed for education and authenticity verification, opt for Winston AI. It’s 99.98% accurate and super easy to use.
  3. If you need an AI detector that has a plethora of extra features like AI Humanzier, AI Job Application Bot, AI Essay Writer, etc., try Undetectable AI.
  4. If you want an AI detector with a generous plan, go for GPTZero.
  5. If you’re looking for a highly accurate AI and plagiarism detector, use
  6. If you’re looking to humanize AI-generated text for better readability and bypass detectors, use Phrasly.AI.

Start using these tools today to improve your writing while keeping it real and authentically you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About AI Detectors

1. What Is an AI Detector?

An AI detector is a tool that identifies whether a piece of text, image, or content has been generated by artificial intelligence (AI) models like ChatGPT, Gemini, or Bard. These tools analyze patterns, sentence structures, and probability scores to determine AI-generated content.

2. Which Is the Most Accurate AI Detector in 2025?

Based on my testing, and Winston AI are the most accurate AI detectors in 2025. They provide in-depth analysis, highlight AI-generated sections, and offer plagiarism detection.

3. Are AI Detectors 100% Reliable?

No, AI detectors are not 100% accurate. Some human-written text may be falsely flagged as AI-generated (false positives), and some AI-generated content may bypass detection (false negatives). Accuracy varies based on the detector and its algorithm.

4. Can AI Detectors Be Tricked or Bypassed?

Yes, AI-generated text can be humanized using tools like AI Detector or Undetectable AI. These tools modify the text to make it seem more human-written, helping it bypass detection.

5. What Is the Best Free AI Detector?

For free AI detection, the best options include:

For full AI detection capabilities, most tools require a paid plan.

6. Do AI Detectors Work on Images and Videos?

Some AI detectors, like AI Detector, offer image analysis to determine if an image is AI-generated. However, detecting AI-generated videos is still in early development.

7. Can AI Detectors Identify Plagiarism?

Not all AI detectors check for plagiarism, but and GPTZero offer both AI detection and plagiarism scanning, making them great choices for writers and educators.

8. Who Uses AI Detectors?

AI detectors are widely used by:

  • Educators & Universities — To check for AI-generated assignments.
  • Writers & Bloggers — To ensure their content is original.
  • SEO Experts — To maintain high-quality, human-written content.
  • Businesses — To prevent AI-generated misinformation.

9. What’s the Future of AI Detection?

As AI writing tools improve, AI detectors must evolve to stay ahead. Expect better accuracy, deepfake detection, and real-time AI verification tools in the coming years.

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Anangsha Alammyan
Anangsha Alammyan

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